Pathways to Pedals Cycle Loans Terms & Conditions


Who are we and our contact details


We’re a company registered in England and Wales with company number 06685049

You can get hold of us in any of the following ways:


  • by telephoning us on 01904 636 812
  • by emailing us at or
  • by writing to us at 22 Hospital Fields Road, Fulford, York, YO10 4DZ
  • by completing our contact form on our website:


In case you need it, our VAT number is 943115934.


What do these terms do and why they are important

These terms and conditions are important. Please read them carefully before you complete your cycle loan application. They explain the criteria and costs involved in the loan of an inclusive cycle and how we use your information.

If, in these terms and conditions, we say that either of us may contact the other in ‘writing’, then this means it can be by letter or by email.


  1. Introduction


Pathways to Pedals is a project providing the loan of inclusive cycles to individuals:

The project is run by Get Cycling CIC and part-funding for this project has been provided by Motability Foundation:

These terms and conditions apply to your cycle loan from us of an inclusive cycle together with any accessories and attachments supplied under the Pathways to Pedals project.

They confirm that you would like to loan an inclusive cycle and we have agreed to loan you a cycle set out in the booking confirmation.

By ticking the box on our Expression of Interest form, you agree to bound and comply with the terms and conditions set out in this document.

If you breach any of the terms and conditions set out in this document, we may refuse or cancel your loan.


  1. About the Pathways to Pedals Project

The purpose of the Pathways to Pedals project is to:

  • Make inclusive cycling more accessible to people with disabilities and support groups with a focus on lower income individuals.
  • Raise awareness through try-out and assessment opportunities, along with innovative personalised routes to affordability, such as loans, rental, donations, subsidised purchase schemes and regular riding sessions.
  • Help create change at a national level working with other national organisations in inclusive cycling.


  1. Inclusive cycle Loan Programme

The inclusive cycle loan programme offered as part of the Pathways to Pedals project includes free or low-cost loans of inclusive cycles and accessories and is not a loan of monetary value.

The loan of an inclusive cycle and any supplied accessories (incl. lock, helmet, charger and lights) will last for 4 weeks (28 days) from the date of handover confirmed in your booking confirmation.


To qualify for the programme, you must meet the criteria set out below for a free or low-cost cycle loan.

To qualify for a loan of an inclusive cycle free of charge you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must have a disability or chronic illness.
    The Equality Act 2010 definitions of disability is a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities.
  • Be on a low-income wage or in receipt of income related benefits.
    Government standards for determining low income is stated as 60% of the median wage. UK median wage in 2024 is stated as £32,700, so a low-income wage is less than £19,600 per year.
  • Have a permanent UK address.


To qualify for a low-cost loan of an inclusive cycle, for a nominal fee of £100.00 for the loan period, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must have a disability or chronic illness.
    The Equality Act 2010 definitions of disability is a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities.
  • Have a permanent UK address.


To loan an inclusive cycle, you must also meet the following criteria:

  • Be able to use the cycle throughout the loan period.
  • Provide complete and accurate information about you and your cycling experience. If misleading or non-complete information is provided, we have the right to cancel your loan.
  • Apply for the loan programme through our online Expression of Interest form and be accepted by Get Cycling CIC to participate in the programme after meeting the eligibility criteria and been provided with a Booking Confirmation.
  • Agree to these terms and conditions.


We reserve the right to, at our discretion, refuse an application to loan an inclusive cycle.



On collection of the cycle, you must bring your booking confirmation and proof of identity as set out in the options below:

  • Option 1: Your booking confirmation, 1 document from group A and 1 document from group B, from the table below.
  • Option 2: Your booking confirmation, 2 documents from group B, from the table below, this option is only available if you do not have a document from group A.


Group A 

(Proof of ID)

Notes  Group B

(Proof of address)

Passport Valid, current, and original documentation. Driving license Valid, current, and original documentation.
Driving license Utility bill Issued within the last 3 months, clearly displaying name and address. Digital versions accepted.


Non-UK national ID card Council tax bill
UK Biometric Residence Permit (BRP)


Bank statement
Asylum Registration Card (ARC) Mortgage statement




Credit card statement


P45 or P60 statement
Letter from HMRC or DWP
Tenancy agreement Valid, current, and original documentation.

  • All documents must show your name or name and address, with the name and address matching across documents provided.
  • Documents from Group A and Group B must be unique, and a driving license cannot be used twice.
  • Students living away from their main address must provide their booking confirmation, current tenancy agreement and valid student ID.
  • All documents must show your name or name and address, with the name and address matching across documents provided.
  • Documents from Group A and Group B must be unique, and a driving license cannot be used twice.
  • Students living away from their main address must provide their booking confirmation, current tenancy agreement and valid student ID.


Collections & Returns

  • You must collect the cycle at the time and location set out in your booking confirmation.
  • Failure to collect the cycle at the time and location set out in your booking confirmation will result in the cancellation of your loan.
  • On collection of your inclusive cycle, you will be asked to check over the cycle with our staff and confirm that the cycle is good condition prior to you leaving the loan collection location.
  • You must return the inclusive cycle and any provided accessories on the date, time and location set out in your booking Failure to do so, may result in the charge of a late fee as set out in clause 5.
  • The cycle must be returned in the same condition as you collected it (excluding any wear and tear considered fair from use of the cycle set out in these terms).
  • Inclusive cycles returned in a condition not as collected will incur a maintenance This fee will be charged at our hourly labour charge of £55 per hour for servicing plus cost for parts. This charge will be capped at £2000 and will be payable on demand.


Cycle Loan Details

  • You can only book one inclusive cycle per person.
  • Loans are a set period, but you may be able to make repeat bookings. To encourage fair use, this is at the discretion of Get Cycling CIC.
  • You agree to participate in our monitoring and evaluation process. This includes pre-loan survey, during loan surveys and post-loan surveys.
  • Following your participation in Pathways to Pedals cycle loan programme Get Cycling CIC may contact you to take part in further research and testimonials.
  • You will receive essential correspondence from us to manage your loan booking, and to access our monitoring and evaluation surveys. This correspondence will be either by telephone or email.


  1. Your Obligations

When using an inclusive cycle, you must:

  • Comply with these terms and conditions.
  • Abide by all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Abide by the highway code.
  • Observe all traffic laws, traffic signs and signals.
  • Use the inclusive cycle in a responsible and responsible manner.
  • Ensure the inclusive cycle is in a road worthy condition prior to use, on hand over you will be provided with an overview of how to perform these checks.
  • Use the inclusive cycle in accordance with any instructions provided by us and/or the manufacturer.
  • The cycle must be locked when not in use or unattended. A high-quality lock will be provided as part of the loan and training will be provided on how best to secure the cycle. If the cycle is stolen when left unlock or unattended by you, we may charge you a penalty fee.
  • If loaning an electric assist inclusive cycle, you must return it fully charged and ensure that the battery is cared for. Instructions on how to charge the battery and how to care for the battery while the cycle is in your possession will be provided.
  • If the battery is damaged or stops working report it to


When using the inclusive cycle, you must not:

  • Leave the cycle unattended or unsecured when unattended.
  • Use the inclusive cycle beyond its intended purpose. For example, having two users on a single seater cycle.
  • Sell, lend, or part possession of the inclusive cycle or allow any other person to use the cycle.
  • Intentionally damage, deface or vandalise the cycle.
  • Overload the cycle above the set-out rider weights and user numbers set out in the user manual provided at handover of the cycle.
  • Use the inclusive cycle for racing or stunt riding.
  • Dismantle or tamper with the inclusive cycle.
  • Under no circumstances take the inclusive cycle out of the UK.


  1. Late or non-return of the Inclusive Cycles

If the inclusive cycle is not returned to us at the date, time and location set out in your booking confirmation then we reserve the right to charge a late return fee of £60 each day the inclusive cycle is not returned to us plus a recovery fee of £250 if we are required to recover or repossess the cycle. The late return fee will be capped at £2000 and shall be payable on demand.

In addition to charging and recovering the Late Return Fee and Recovery Fee, we reserve our rights in relation to the late or non-return of the inclusive cycle and any accessories, including by taking steps to find and repossess the inclusive cycle from you, by taking proceedings against you, and / or reporting any evidence of criminality to the police. Our inclusive cycles are equipped with anti-theft GPS tracking devices that may be activated in the event of theft or non-return to enable the recovery of such inclusive cycles.


  1. Damage to the cycle

Any damage incurred to the inclusive cycle outside of general wear and tear will be charged to the participant. This will be charged at the costs incurred by Get Cycling CIC to rectify the damage. Charges will be labour at £55 per hour and cost of spare parts. Any charges incurred in rectifying the damaged will be capped at £2000 and shall be payable on demand.


  1. Safety

You accept that cycling has risks, and you will cycle safely and responsibly. You are responsible for ensuring that you are physically able to use the cycle and that you ride at your own risk.

Training will be provided on handover of the cycle to ensure that you know how to fully operate the inclusive cycle safely.

We recommend that the safety equipment provided (helmet and lights) is used when riding. And wear appropriate clothing to ensure safe use of the cycle.


  1. Exclusions and Suspension of Loans

If at any time it is made clear that you have not been complying with these terms and conditions and / or any applicable laws, we reserve the right to terminate your loan and exclude you from participation in any future cycle loans or activities provided by Get Cycling CIC.

If noncompliance with these terms and conditions and / or applicable laws is a criminal offence we reserve the right to refer the matter to the relevant authorities, and to disclose information to the police.

Any information provided by the local authorities, police or public can be used to terminate your loan as set out in clause 8.

If we cancel or terminate your loan due to any of the clauses set out in in clause 8 you must return your cycle to the place stated in your booking confirmation immediately. Failure to do so will may result in a late fee set out in clause 5.

We reserve the right to take further action should you fail to return the cycle.


  1. Repairs and Problems

It is your responsibility to ensure that the cycle is in a fit to use state as set out in clause 4.

If you experience any problems with your inclusive cycle, we ask that you please stop using the cycle straight away and report it to

Get Cycling CIC will make reasonable effort to repair a cycle or provide a replacement cycle where a repair is not possible.

Exclusions to repairs are:

  • Saddle, seat or handlebar adjustments, which you can reasonably carry out yourself.
  • Damage as a result of misuse of the cycle. We reserve the right to cancel the cycle loan if reported.

In case of a problem or repair of your inclusive cycle we are under no obligation to extend your loan.


  1. Accidents, damaged, lost or stolen inclusive cycles

You must report as soon as possible any damaged, lost or stolen cycles to us at

If the inclusive cycle is stolen it must also be reported to the nearest police station.

You must notify the police of your involvement in the cycle loan programme, and you must obtain and provide us with a copy of the incident reference number as well as photographic evidence from the place where the cycle was stolen from.

Under no circumstances should the cycle be left unattended or unlocked when not in use. If the cycle is stolen while left unattended or unlocked, then we may charge a penalty fee of up to £2000 payable on demand.

If you are involved in an accident, or damage or injury is caused while using the cycle you must report is to us at

If you are involved in a collision you must report is to the nearest police station and provide Get Cycling CIC with a copy of the incident reference number.


  1. Liability and Insurance

The cycle and accessories remain the property of Get Cycling CIC during the loan period.

You are responsible for the cycle and accessories throughout the loan period.

The cycle and accessories are covered by Get Cycling CIC insurance policies during the loan period. If the cycle is stolen while unattended or unlocked, then fees may apply as set out in clause 10.

We are not liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under these Terms that is caused by events beyond our reasonable control.


  1. Data Protection

A copy of our Privacy Policy can be found here


13. Cancellation

You may cancel, amend or end your loan of your inclusive cycle by writing to

The loan of an inclusive cycle to you is conditional on the Pathways to Pedals programme continuing to run. We may immediately cancel you loan to you for any reason. This could include but is not limited to, the programme ending, funding been withdrawn. If the loan is cancelled, you must return the cycle immediately to the location set out in your booking confirmation.

Failure to return the cycle may result in fees as set out in clause 5.


  1. Complaints


Please email any complaints or queries to us at

We aim to reply to all complaints or queries within 48 hours during Get Cycling CIC working week.


  1. Updates

These terms and conditions may be updated from time to time and changes made.


  1. Other

You must notify us of any changes to your contact details or address as soon as practical to do so by email at

Nobody else other than you and Get Cycling CIC is a party to this agreement. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of these Terms.

You may not transfer or assign any of your rights under these Terms to any other person.

If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be struck out and the remaining provisions shall be enforced to the fullest extent under the law.

Failure to enforce any right or provision under these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such a right or provision.

If these Terms are translated into any other language and there is any inconsistency between the versions of the Terms, this English language version shall take priority.

These Terms shall be governed by English and Welsh law and any disputes between us regarding these Terms will be heard in the English and Welsh courts.


Reviewed: 10 July 2024

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To find out more about our inclusive cycles or services, click "Get In Touch" below, fill out the form, and we'll get back to you. If you want regular updates on our activities, click "Join Our Community" to join our mailing list.