New Year, New Hobby?
So you’ve taken the plunge and decided to try cycling this year? Great! You’ve made such a great choice for a new hobby!

But maybe you’re still unsure whether cycling is for you?
Let’s break down the benefits of cycling and why it’s such a good way to exercise, get around and see the world in a slightly different way!
A greener way to travel
It’s no secret that cycling is better for reducing your carbon footprint and getting more cars off the road. Cycling short journeys instead of jumping in the car is a fast and easy way to reduce pollution on our streets and our own small way of tackling global warming.
Strengthens your heart and lungs
Cycling is a great workout for your whole body and especially as cardiovascular activity – cycling increases the heart rate, which in turn, strengthens your heart muscle, increases lung capacity and lowers blood pressure – what’s not to love about that?
Free parking!
Such a simple and easily overlooked thing, right? You want to head into town or just somewhere in your local area for a few bits or an appointment, but you have the added mental gymnastics of finding a parking spot or making sure you have enough for the Pay & Display – most local shops and businesses have cycling parking and there are always plenty of spots in city centres – and you can usually ride right up to where you need to be – all for free!

Stress relief
We all know that physical exercise can improve your overall mood and feeling of well-being but the added rhythmic motion and being out in the open can increase your tolerance to stress and other mental health issues. Sometimes, if you having a particularly stressful day, a cycle out in the fresh air can give you the reset you need to get on with your day.
See the world differently
A lot of cycle paths are entirely off-road and can take you to some beautiful and unique places that you may not have explored before. Forest, farmland and quiet places can all be reached by bike in a way that is just not accessible by the noise, logistics and infrastructure involved in car driving.
You can find amazing traffic-free cycle routes near you on the Sustrans website.
One of our absolute favourites in the Astrocampus Solar System Route – a (mostly) traffic-free exploration of the solar system we call home, a wonderful nature reserve and a unique way to explore parts of York you never knew existed.
Cycling is more accessible than ever
“These are all great reasons,” We hear you say, “but I can’t ride a conventional two-wheeled cycle.”
Worry not! Cycling is more inclusive than its ever been, and we have the biggest range of accessible cycles in the UK. Recumbents, tandems, low step-through cycles, trikes and loads in between, we can get a cycle to suit you.
And to top it all off, we have electric versions of most cycles too.

With all those fantastic benefits that you can gain and explore from your new hobby, what’s stopping you?
But if you’re still unsure, come and see us at our store in York – we have a great team of experts who will answer any and all of your questions and you can even book a demo to try some of the incredible cycles that we have on offer, for free.
Call us on 01904 636812 or email for more information and booking.
Happy Cycling!

Get Cycling CIC, 22 Hospital Fields Road, York YO10 4D | 01904 636 812 |